- HocineEquipe du forum
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Re: Rapport du Pentagone sur les ovnis
Mer 23 Juin 2021, 15:51
Je pense, que depuis les années 40, les pays alliés sont liés par un pacte, ou tout pays allié qui serait sous une menace , pour sa sécurité équivaut à une menace, pour les autres pays alliés , (pacte de défense) , je voulais dire par là , que ces ovnis , doivent êtres classifié comme une menace pour ces pays alliés , je crois aussi , que tous ces pays ont dû être survolé par ces ovnis , et ils doivent êtres organisés , pour échanger en secret , toutes les informations recueillis sur ces ovnis .
Aucune frontière sur terre ne pourra arrêter ces ovnis, de survoler l’espace aérien de tous les pays sur terre, ces ovnis, ça doit concerner en premier lieu tous ces pays alliés, et sans doute après l’apparition de ces ovnis, après le début de la guerre froide dans les années 40 .
Aucune frontière sur terre ne pourra arrêter ces ovnis, de survoler l’espace aérien de tous les pays sur terre, ces ovnis, ça doit concerner en premier lieu tous ces pays alliés, et sans doute après l’apparition de ces ovnis, après le début de la guerre froide dans les années 40 .
- jacky33Légende du forum
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Re: Rapport du Pentagone sur les ovnis
Mer 23 Juin 2021, 17:56
Nous allons certainement assister à des scènes particulièrement touchantes.
Il est vrai que découvrir l'existence de l'eau chaude n'arrive pas tous les jours.
Dans un registre moins ironique : pourvu qu'un événement de dernière minute se produise.
Il est vrai que découvrir l'existence de l'eau chaude n'arrive pas tous les jours.
Dans un registre moins ironique : pourvu qu'un événement de dernière minute se produise.
- Julien.BAdministrateur
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Re: Rapport du Pentagone sur les ovnis
Mer 23 Juin 2021, 18:02
Peut-être y aura t-il des événements de dernières minutes, mais probablement aucun résolvant le pessimisme ambiant dont vous faites demonstration dans nombre de vos messages.
Peut-être y aura t-il des événements de dernières minutes, mais probablement aucun résolvant le pessimisme ambiant dont vous faites demonstration dans nombre de vos messages.
Avant de participer, merci de bien vouloir prendre connaissance du règlement du forum :
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- jacky33Légende du forum
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Re: Rapport du Pentagone sur les ovnis
Mer 23 Juin 2021, 18:15
Julien.B a écrit:Jacky33,
Peut-être y aura t-il des événements de dernières minutes, mais probablement aucun résolvant le pessimisme ambiant dont vous faites demonstration dans nombre de vos messages.
Le moins que l'on puisse dire, c'est que le ballet auquel nous assistons n'est pas orchestré par des enfants de coeur.
Vous le savez aussi bien que moi julien : la politique est un jeu de dupes.
- falcon51Membre Confirmé
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Chris Melon l'ancien directeur adjoint du renseignementUS declaré
Ven 25 Juin 2021, 10:04
Chris Melon l'ancien directeur adjoint du renseignement US a declaré ceci:
La traduction commenté en francais:
Don’t Dismiss the Alien Hypothesis
The United States has the most advanced aerospace capabilities in the world and spends more than twice as much on defense as Russia and China combined.
The Administration and Congress concur that these objects are not classified U.S. aircraft.
In the Nimitz incident and other cases, some of these vehicles have been observed doing things that we cannot replicate and do not understand.
Official records from the U.S. and other countries indicate that this is a global phenomenon that has been occurring since at least WW2 and perhaps far longer.
We have no reason to believe that many of these objects are from Russia or China, and in fact it seems improbable. Especially when we consider how long this phenomenon has been observed.
Consequently, the “not invented here” hypothesis is the only theory currently consistent with the known facts.
From any vantage point, we are more likely to encounter probes than signals from ET because probes are far safer, more efficient, and more effective for purposes of space exploration.
The radical capabilities and mysterious appearance of some of the vehicles being observed are consistent with what we'd expect of probes or craft from a space-faring civilization. As Arthur Clarke famously observed, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
There is no scientific barrier to interstellar travel even if superluminal travel is impossible. My grandfather was born before the Wright brothers got off the ground. Now there are already a number of nations with robots on Mars and a consortium led by Yuri Millner is designing the first probe to visit another star system. It would take only a tiny fraction of the age of the Milky Way for a space-faring civilization, travelling at one-fifth the speed of light, to explore the entire galaxy.
Our government should establish a cleared panel of UAP, intelligence and scientific experts to study this issue. Mainstream scientists currently lack any detailed understanding either of the phenomenon or its long history, nor do they understand the range of sensor capabilities available to the U.S. or have the knowledge needed to understand where to look within our vast national security apparatus for answers. This has been shockingly evident in recent months with astronomers expressing their ignorance of the UAP topic by asking embarrassing questions such as “If UFOs are real how come commercial pilots never see them?” and “How come only Americans report UFOs?”
To be effective, the panel therefore needs to include people familiar with the long but obscure international and U.S. Government history of the issue as well as the classified data and capabilities our government possesses that can be used to obtain more information. Large expenditures are not required; progress will largely be a function of leadership, intellectual integrity, data access and organization.
Someone at a high level urgently needs to be assigned responsibility to find out where these objects are coming from, how they work and why they are here. Engineering and scientific efforts to replicate observed capabilities also require a high priority.
We can no longer deny that someone has mastered technology beyond our understanding and is using it to monitor U.S. military forces and probably much else. In some cases, such as the famous encounters of the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group, non-human origin is presently the theory that best fits all the facts. Until a better explanation emerges it is time to squarely confront the data and accord this revolutionary discovery the attention it deserves. Regardless of the source, we need a serious national effort to understand and emulate the capabilities we are observing.
Regardless of the origin of these craft, the stakes could not be higher. Ignorance is not a national security strategy, and we have never before been a nation deterred by fear of the unknown. The benefits that might result could include massive technological breakthroughs and revolutionary advances and insights that might otherwise take eons to acquire. The only responsible course of action is to proceed expeditiously with open minds, perhaps jointly with other nations to make faster progress and mitigate growing international tensions and rivalries.
How can we turn aside knowing what we now know? There is really no choice other than to press forward in pursuit of the truth with the hope and expectation that new frontiers of knowledge will be discovered for our nation and the hopefully for the benefit of all mankind.
La traduction commenté en francais:
Don’t Dismiss the Alien Hypothesis
The United States has the most advanced aerospace capabilities in the world and spends more than twice as much on defense as Russia and China combined.
The Administration and Congress concur that these objects are not classified U.S. aircraft.
In the Nimitz incident and other cases, some of these vehicles have been observed doing things that we cannot replicate and do not understand.
Official records from the U.S. and other countries indicate that this is a global phenomenon that has been occurring since at least WW2 and perhaps far longer.
We have no reason to believe that many of these objects are from Russia or China, and in fact it seems improbable. Especially when we consider how long this phenomenon has been observed.
Consequently, the “not invented here” hypothesis is the only theory currently consistent with the known facts.
From any vantage point, we are more likely to encounter probes than signals from ET because probes are far safer, more efficient, and more effective for purposes of space exploration.
The radical capabilities and mysterious appearance of some of the vehicles being observed are consistent with what we'd expect of probes or craft from a space-faring civilization. As Arthur Clarke famously observed, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
There is no scientific barrier to interstellar travel even if superluminal travel is impossible. My grandfather was born before the Wright brothers got off the ground. Now there are already a number of nations with robots on Mars and a consortium led by Yuri Millner is designing the first probe to visit another star system. It would take only a tiny fraction of the age of the Milky Way for a space-faring civilization, travelling at one-fifth the speed of light, to explore the entire galaxy.
Our government should establish a cleared panel of UAP, intelligence and scientific experts to study this issue. Mainstream scientists currently lack any detailed understanding either of the phenomenon or its long history, nor do they understand the range of sensor capabilities available to the U.S. or have the knowledge needed to understand where to look within our vast national security apparatus for answers. This has been shockingly evident in recent months with astronomers expressing their ignorance of the UAP topic by asking embarrassing questions such as “If UFOs are real how come commercial pilots never see them?” and “How come only Americans report UFOs?”
To be effective, the panel therefore needs to include people familiar with the long but obscure international and U.S. Government history of the issue as well as the classified data and capabilities our government possesses that can be used to obtain more information. Large expenditures are not required; progress will largely be a function of leadership, intellectual integrity, data access and organization.
Someone at a high level urgently needs to be assigned responsibility to find out where these objects are coming from, how they work and why they are here. Engineering and scientific efforts to replicate observed capabilities also require a high priority.
We can no longer deny that someone has mastered technology beyond our understanding and is using it to monitor U.S. military forces and probably much else. In some cases, such as the famous encounters of the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group, non-human origin is presently the theory that best fits all the facts. Until a better explanation emerges it is time to squarely confront the data and accord this revolutionary discovery the attention it deserves. Regardless of the source, we need a serious national effort to understand and emulate the capabilities we are observing.
Regardless of the origin of these craft, the stakes could not be higher. Ignorance is not a national security strategy, and we have never before been a nation deterred by fear of the unknown. The benefits that might result could include massive technological breakthroughs and revolutionary advances and insights that might otherwise take eons to acquire. The only responsible course of action is to proceed expeditiously with open minds, perhaps jointly with other nations to make faster progress and mitigate growing international tensions and rivalries.
How can we turn aside knowing what we now know? There is really no choice other than to press forward in pursuit of the truth with the hope and expectation that new frontiers of knowledge will be discovered for our nation and the hopefully for the benefit of all mankind.
- Buckaroo_BanzaiEquipe du forum
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Re: Rapport du Pentagone sur les ovnis
Ven 25 Juin 2021, 11:17
Salut à tous.
Un petit truc en attendant le rapport :
On n'a pas fini d'en parler.
Un petit truc en attendant le rapport :
On n'a pas fini d'en parler.
- Johanne50Equipe du forum
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Dépôt du rapport Pentagone retardé
Ven 25 Juin 2021, 19:31
Bonjour à tous,
Le Congrès des États-Unis vient d’être ajourné au lundi 28 juin 2021. C’est donc dire que le dépôt du rapport du Pentagone n’aura pas lieu avant la semaine prochaine.
Du Québec
Le Congrès des États-Unis vient d’être ajourné au lundi 28 juin 2021. C’est donc dire que le dépôt du rapport du Pentagone n’aura pas lieu avant la semaine prochaine.
Du Québec
- jacky33Légende du forum
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Re: Rapport du Pentagone sur les ovnis
Ven 25 Juin 2021, 19:41
Johanne50 a écrit:Bonjour à tous,
Le Congrès des États-Unis vient d’être ajourné au lundi 28 juin 2021. C’est donc dire que le dépôt du rapport du Pentagone n’aura pas lieu avant la semaine prochaine.
Du Québec
Comme quoi il n'y a pas le feu au lac.
En tout cas, l'imminence d'un "danger potentiel" ne semble pas être à l'ordre du jour...
- udje5403Equipe du forum
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Re: Rapport du Pentagone sur les ovnis
Ven 25 Juin 2021, 20:26
GEIPAN, Pentagone, même combat
des pieds nickelés....
des pieds nickelés....
- Kent WayneLégende du forum
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Re: Rapport du Pentagone sur les ovnis
Ven 25 Juin 2021, 20:58
Mais non ! C'est nous - et je m'inclus évidemment - qui avons le mauvais comportement. Le calendrier des uns n'est pas le calendrier des autres. Notre culture est basée sur la vitesse. Plus ça va vite, mieux c'est...Même si une date était plus ou moins fixée, laissons les choses se faire au rythme où elles doivent se faire. Nous sommes comme des petits chiens avec la langue bien pendue...
- Les OVNIS : le rapport du Pentagone - Eclairages
- Émission sur le rapport du Pentagone
- Luc Dini analyse le rapport du Pentagone sur Dossier OVNI
- Le Pentagone a étudié les Ovnis dans le plus grand secret (New York Times, AATIP, TTSA, affaire Tic Tac etc...)
- Emission spéciale post-diffusion du documentaire de Dominique Filhol "OVNIS, une affaire d'États"
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