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(1998) The Great Flying Saucer Wave of 1947  Alfred Loedding Empty

Masculin Age : 46
Nombre de messages : 12825
Inscription : 11/03/2007
Localisation : France
Emploi : Privé
Passions : Ufologie, Histoire, lecture
Règlement : Règlement
Points de Participation : 21392

(1998) The Great Flying Saucer Wave of 1947  Alfred Loedding Empty (1998) The Great Flying Saucer Wave of 1947 Alfred Loedding

Ven 31 Déc 2010, 15:54
(1998) The Great Flying Saucer Wave of 1947 Alfred Loedding

Here’s another free e-book — Alfred Loedding & The Great Flying Saucer Wave of 1947, written by Michael D. Hall and Wendy A. Connors. Published in 1998, this book is an acute analysis of the myriad of UFO sightings that were reported across the U.S. during the summer of 1947. Hundreds of unidentified flying objects were seen all over the country and both the mainstream media and the military took the phenomenon very seriously.

But where does Alfred Loedding come into the picture? Well, Mr. Loedding was a civilian engineer for the U.S. Air Force at the time, specializing in low-aspect design aircraft, such as flying wings or flying disks, i.e. exactly the type of aircrafts that were being sighted around the country.

So, due to his expertise he became involved in the investigation of the UFOs, relaying information between the Air Force and the Pentagon. Loedding became a member of Project Sign, which was the Air Force’s formal UFO investigation unit. When the Air Force ended its UFO investigation program in 1969, Loedding had investigated hundreds of UFO reports and interviewed countless witnesses.

Loedding’s conclusion, shared by many of the investigators on Project Sign, was that the UFOs could not be explained in any other way than being of extraterrestrial origin.

Alfred Loedding & The Great Flying Saucer Wave of 1947 is an interesting book that gives a fresh take on one of the classic UFO waves from the mid-1900s. Well worth a read!

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