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Une réunion à propos des UAP au Parlement EuropéenHier à 23:24PhèdreC.G. Jung et le mystère des OvinsVen 10 Mai 2024, 23:42Jeanmi-25Publication dans NatureMer 08 Mai 2024, 15:42elisaliseJe débarqueMar 07 Mai 2024, 16:28Mox FulderMe présenterLun 06 Mai 2024, 15:47france1956Me présenterJeu 02 Mai 2024, 18:20Pierre.BObservation OVNI 29/04/2024Jeu 02 Mai 2024, 06:31Stéphane TJe viens d’arriver Lun 29 Avr 2024, 20:50Andromaquelala clickLun 29 Avr 2024, 13:31NightFoxyEffet Oz par Erich ZurcherLun 29 Avr 2024, 11:05Nycolasprésentation nouveau membreDim 28 Avr 2024, 17:42HELLOMISTERComment expliquer les changements de caps stupéfiants des ovnis?Jeu 25 Avr 2024, 18:45HocineARTICLES SUR LE SUJET OVNIMar 23 Avr 2024, 13:38HocineMa chaîne Youtube :"Raconte moi un ovni"Jeu 18 Avr 2024, 19:01Pierre.B(1962) au mois d'Août vers 22h-Le triangle volant- Afrique du NordDim 14 Avr 2024, 16:26Hocineles états unis disposeraient de débris d'ovnisSam 13 Avr 2024, 15:52Hocinepourquoi ne voyons-nous pas d'extraterestres ?Sam 06 Avr 2024, 16:43HocineLes Ovnis et les extraterrestres font-ils peur ? Mer 03 Avr 2024, 16:23Jeanmi-25Les centres d'intérêt des ovnis que faut-il en déduire?Jeu 28 Mar 2024, 16:09HocineUn truc bizarre...Mar 26 Mar 2024, 02:18Alain.MDes êtres interdimensionnels ?Jeu 21 Mar 2024, 11:59Jeanmi-25"blog UAP-Anomalie" ?Lun 18 Mar 2024, 23:24Pierre.BLa RUOL du vendredi 15 mars 2024Sam 16 Mar 2024, 17:29OVNI-LanguedocComment informer nos proches et la population au sujet des Ovnis?Mar 12 Mar 2024, 16:22HocineDe nouveaux OVNI a NAncyLun 11 Mar 2024, 21:16Joanna PoomAntigravitéLun 11 Mar 2024, 11:26Jeanmi-25Sujet unique: Vos avis et conclusions sur le phénomène OvniSam 09 Mar 2024, 18:29HocinePourquoi les Ovnis viendraient ils nous voir?Mer 06 Mar 2024, 15:41Hocinerencontre multiples d'hybridesLun 26 Fév 2024, 11:35Aina76660Nouveau membreLun 26 Fév 2024, 11:07Aina76660
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Masculin Age : 31
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Un SR-72 ? Empty Un SR-72 ?

Ven 09 Mar 2012, 12:36
Bonjour,je viens de lire que un nouvel hangar est en construction a la zone 51.
Certain disent que c'est le projet sr-72 d'autre que ça peut être un hangar pour la simulation des pilotes,centre d’usinage.
Je vous donne l'article.

Something big is in the works at Nevada's
legendary Area 51 military base. A massive new building is under
construction at the top secret location. Aviation experts say there's a
good chance that a new, highly classified aircraft might soon be zipping
around the Nevada skies.
What kind of aircraft? One possibility is a successor to the SR-71 spy plane, the SR-72.
The SR-71 Blackbird
is widely regarded as the greatest airplane ever built. It sliced
through the sky at Mach 3 and still reigns, officially anyway, as the
fastest plane in history. Groom Lake, also known as Area 51, was home
for the Blackbird during its early days. The question is -- will Area 51
also be the location of choice for the development of a successor, and
maybe more than one?
A photo of a new
building under construction at Area 51 has raised tantalizing
possibilities for the civilian researchers who dabble in such topics. No
one can say for certain what the building will be used for, but
aviation historian Peter Merlin says the one thing we can say is that
it's one big hangar.
"It probably measures
275 feet by 600 feet. It's no larger than hangars at other bases, but
it certainly is the largest at Area 51," Peter Merlin said.
photos confirm Area 51 already has two dozen hangars, including some
less than two years old. So what's going on out there?
hangar could be a central maintenance facility, machine shop and or
simulator training center. But aviation writers are thinking more exotic
thoughts. For months, there's been speculation in aviation circles
about a successor to the SR-71, call it the SR-72. Model airplane
companies already have their version of the so called "dark bird," which
theoretically could fly twice as fast as the Blackbird.
Merlin says he's been told by engineers at Lockheed that the SR-72
project was canceled, but new reports in aviation media note the Air
Force has just awarded a new contract to Lockheed for a plane that
sounds exactly like the SR-72, a Mach 6 reconnaissance plane that could
also carry weapons, and unlike the SR-71, this one would be unmanned.
would make for a comfy fit inside that new hangar. But Merlin thinks
there are other possibilities also in the works at Groom Lake.
are at least seven and maybe as many as eleven manned classified air
craft that have not yet been unveiled that have been flying since 1985
and countless unmanned programs as well. Most of these things have been
tested there. I know some of the guys that have flown these airplanes,"
Merlin continued.
Among the suspects is
something called the Black Manta, a stealthy hypersonic craft that might
explain the wispy images captured in a few photos around the world.
Various black triangle-type craft have been spotted over American
military bases and cities for years, some of them huge in size, big
enough to require a big hangar.
journalist Bill Sweetman has long argued for the existence of the
Aurora, another plane rumored to have been flown at Groom Lake. Sweetman
says black budget figures hint at the existence of the plane, which
some have dubbed the SR-75 penetrator. Whichever of these ambitious
projects ends up in full development, it's abundantly clear that the
testing location of choice for top secret planes is still Area 51.
Lockheed Company, whose so-called Skunkworks plant developed the U-2,
SR-71, and stealth fighter -- all of which were test flown out at Area
51 -- says it will not comment on its new Air Force contract.
The Air Force is also not talking.
Sidenote: The I-Team would like to credit for capturing the photos used in this story, and would also like to credit for being the first to photograph the hangar and to encourage our viewers to visit both sites.

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Un SR-72 ? Empty

Masculin Age : 43
Nombre de messages : 4080
Inscription : 03/08/2007
Localisation : tarn et garonne
Emploi : monteur telecom
Passions : internet
Règlement : Règlement
Points de Participation : 9583

Un SR-72 ? Empty Re: Un SR-72 ?

Ven 09 Mar 2012, 12:45
Nous ne traitons pas de la Zone 51.

Merci d'en prendre compte, je déplace votre sujet dans les spéculations.
Participation exceptionnelle
Participation exceptionnelle
Un SR-72 ? Empty

Masculin Age : 31
Nombre de messages : 19
Inscription : 17/01/2010
Localisation : ******
Emploi : ******
Passions : Aeronautique,Astronomie,Science.
Règlement : Règlement
Points de Participation : 5269

Un SR-72 ? Empty Re: Un SR-72 ?

Ven 09 Mar 2012, 16:06
Pourquoi vous ne traiter pas la zone 51 ?
Un SR-72 ? Empty

Masculin Age : 44
Nombre de messages : 4780
Inscription : 16/08/2010
Localisation : France
Emploi : Privé
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Règlement : Règlement
Points de Participation : 12286

Un SR-72 ? Empty Re: Un SR-72 ?

Ven 09 Mar 2012, 16:10
Pourquoi vous ne traiter pas la zone 51 ?

Parce que c'est une dérive Ufologique et que pour une base pseudo-secrète, ça semble un peu paradoxale que 3/4 de la population la connaisse :)
Si tu t'y intéresses, il y a un sujet ce soir sur Direct 8. Aussi, elle est trop souvent associée aux extraterrestres en mêlant le sujet ovni. Bref beaucoup d'amalgames.

Il s'agit là d'une liste non exhaustive des raisons pour lesquelles nous ne traitons pas "officiellement" ce sujet.

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Participation exceptionnelle
Participation exceptionnelle
Un SR-72 ? Empty

Masculin Age : 31
Nombre de messages : 19
Inscription : 17/01/2010
Localisation : ******
Emploi : ******
Passions : Aeronautique,Astronomie,Science.
Règlement : Règlement
Points de Participation : 5269

Un SR-72 ? Empty Re: Un SR-72 ?

Ven 09 Mar 2012, 18:27
Oui,j'ai programmé l’enregistrement,mais on associe la zone51 au ovni alors il faudrait que on puisse en parler.
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Un SR-72 ? Empty Re: Un SR-72 ?

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