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- Benjamin.dResponsable du forum
Age : 46
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1991: le 25/10 - 3min12 - points lumineux en formation - Mesa, Arizona (Usa)
Dim 27 Mar 2011, 00:31
1991: le 25/10 - 3min12 - points lumineux en formation - Mesa, Arizona (Usa)
Auteur :
Ville: Mesa, Arizona
Région ou Pays: Usa
Date: 25/10/1991
Durée du film: 3min12
Type de phénomène: points lumineux en formation
points lumineux en formationUFO Mesa Arizona (10-25-91)
Witness Testimonial
My wife and I were over at some friends of ours apartment and we had been just hanging out having fun and me and my friend were on his balcony and right in front of appeared four glowing lights moving across the sky that seemed to be perfectly spaced and glowing in and out like a beacon of sorts. We had a camcorder there at the time and quickly grabbed it and started to film the event that I like to call "The Mesa Lights".
These lights were moving Southwest in direction and were at a low altitude. The lights that I observed were only four that we saw and definitely moving across the sky fairly quickly, however observing this happen seemed much longer. My friend said that he had read about an airshow that was going on around this same time in the paper but now looking back at this footage again I don't believe that to be the case as there was no sound coming from these so called "jets". It was ominous, and where I currently live whenever military "jets" fly by at a much higher altitude the whole house practically shakes.
The footage I have of these lights seemed much lower to me than any military "jet" I have ever seen. Also, is it common to practice for an airshow in the evening? That question still to this day looms in my head. All four of us there were very intigued by this event as we all watched in amazement these lights that none of us had ever seen before. It was a bit strange to have witnessed this, almost like maybe we saw something that we shouldn't have. Afterwards some of us wanted to go follow them to see if we could document anything else but not everyone there was as interested in doing so. The lights ended up moving to far out of view from the balcony that we were on and we lost sight of them. My friend did call up the police and they had said that they had received a lot of calls on the lights but still confirmed it was planes practicing for an airshow. I never believed this theory. There we're no other lights on these objects neither like airplanes have that blink in the night sky when flying.
All I know is that to this day I've shown numerous people (friends,family) the footage and we've all tried to come up with a logical explanation of what these objects could be and still no one can! Here in Arizona we had a mass sighting ~ 10 years ago called The Phoenix Lights and it still happens from time to time again. Being that the 10th anniversay of this mass sighting just happened in March, it really sparked my interest to get my footage out there and share my story. I'm not sure what these lights in the sky were, but I do not feel they are military in any way. - UFO Mesa Arizona 1991 Video
Auteur :
Ville: Mesa, Arizona
Région ou Pays: Usa
Date: 25/10/1991
Durée du film: 3min12
Type de phénomène: points lumineux en formation
points lumineux en formationUFO Mesa Arizona (10-25-91)
Witness Testimonial
My wife and I were over at some friends of ours apartment and we had been just hanging out having fun and me and my friend were on his balcony and right in front of appeared four glowing lights moving across the sky that seemed to be perfectly spaced and glowing in and out like a beacon of sorts. We had a camcorder there at the time and quickly grabbed it and started to film the event that I like to call "The Mesa Lights".
These lights were moving Southwest in direction and were at a low altitude. The lights that I observed were only four that we saw and definitely moving across the sky fairly quickly, however observing this happen seemed much longer. My friend said that he had read about an airshow that was going on around this same time in the paper but now looking back at this footage again I don't believe that to be the case as there was no sound coming from these so called "jets". It was ominous, and where I currently live whenever military "jets" fly by at a much higher altitude the whole house practically shakes.
The footage I have of these lights seemed much lower to me than any military "jet" I have ever seen. Also, is it common to practice for an airshow in the evening? That question still to this day looms in my head. All four of us there were very intigued by this event as we all watched in amazement these lights that none of us had ever seen before. It was a bit strange to have witnessed this, almost like maybe we saw something that we shouldn't have. Afterwards some of us wanted to go follow them to see if we could document anything else but not everyone there was as interested in doing so. The lights ended up moving to far out of view from the balcony that we were on and we lost sight of them. My friend did call up the police and they had said that they had received a lot of calls on the lights but still confirmed it was planes practicing for an airshow. I never believed this theory. There we're no other lights on these objects neither like airplanes have that blink in the night sky when flying.
All I know is that to this day I've shown numerous people (friends,family) the footage and we've all tried to come up with a logical explanation of what these objects could be and still no one can! Here in Arizona we had a mass sighting ~ 10 years ago called The Phoenix Lights and it still happens from time to time again. Being that the 10th anniversay of this mass sighting just happened in March, it really sparked my interest to get my footage out there and share my story. I'm not sure what these lights in the sky were, but I do not feel they are military in any way. - UFO Mesa Arizona 1991 Video
- Benjamin.dResponsable du forum
Age : 46
Nombre de messages : 12825
Inscription : 11/03/2007
Localisation : France
Emploi : Privé
Passions : Ufologie, Histoire, lecture
Règlement : Règlement
Points de Participation : 21437
Re: 1991: le 25/10 - 3min12 - points lumineux en formation - Mesa, Arizona (Usa)
Sam 16 Avr 2011, 18:38
Je ne sais pas ce que vous en pensez mais cette vidéo mériterait d'être dans la rubrique vidéos crédibles.
Veuillez svp respecter le forum en postant des messages sérieux et constructifs sans SMS. Merci à l'avance et bonne lecture.
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- Robert04Equipe du forum
Age : 65
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Re: 1991: le 25/10 - 3min12 - points lumineux en formation - Mesa, Arizona (Usa)
Dim 17 Avr 2011, 18:48
Lumières étranges en éffet
Difficile de se faire une idée de ce que celà peut étre!
Lumières étranges en éffet
Difficile de se faire une idée de ce que celà peut étre!
- Alain.MAnalyste Observations
Age : 13
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Re: 1991: le 25/10 - 3min12 - points lumineux en formation - Mesa, Arizona (Usa)
Mar 19 Avr 2011, 12:16
- Robert04Equipe du forum
Age : 65
Nombre de messages : 1938
Inscription : 16/02/2011
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Points de Participation : 8059
Re: 1991: le 25/10 - 3min12 - points lumineux en formation - Mesa, Arizona (Usa)
Mar 19 Avr 2011, 18:41
Je pense qu'il faut supprimer ce fil et reprendre l'autre qui est plus complet, si toute fois vous le juger utile pour complément d'étude.
Je pense qu'il faut supprimer ce fil et reprendre l'autre qui est plus complet, si toute fois vous le juger utile pour complément d'étude.
- QuiricusResponsable Enquêtes
Age : 77
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Inscription : 17/09/2010
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Re: 1991: le 25/10 - 3min12 - points lumineux en formation - Mesa, Arizona (Usa)
Mar 19 Avr 2011, 21:33
ce qui est troublant c'est que les spectateurs n'aient pas l'air impressionnés (rires, plaisanteries etc....)
- InvitéInvité
Re: 1991: le 25/10 - 3min12 - points lumineux en formation - Mesa, Arizona (Usa)
Ven 20 Déc 2019, 18:41
Toujours est-il que cela recommence dans ce bled...
Mystère et boules de lumière dans le ciel d'Arizona (Mesa)
Quelle première hypothèse avancez-vous ArthurC, vous qui savez tout sur tout ?
Source :
Mystère et boules de lumière dans le ciel d'Arizona (Mesa)
Quelle première hypothèse avancez-vous ArthurC, vous qui savez tout sur tout ?
Source :
- ArthurCCulture Scientifique
Age : 64
Nombre de messages : 163
Inscription : 16/11/2017
Localisation : Marseille
Emploi : Informaticien
Passions : intelligence artificielle, conquête spatiale
Règlement : Règlement
Points de Participation : 2787
Re: 1991: le 25/10 - 3min12 - points lumineux en formation - Mesa, Arizona (Usa)
Ven 20 Déc 2019, 23:34
Polyèdre57 a écrit:Quelle première hypothèse avancez-vous ArthurC, vous qui savez tout sur tout ?
Euh non je ne sais pas tout, loin de là, j'essaie juste de ne donner mon avis que sur des cas que je connais assez bien... Bon là ça n'est pas vraiment le cas, mais ça ressemble bien à un lâcher de flares comme tout le monde a l'air de le penser sauf le témoin qui n'y croit pas parce qu'on ne voit pas les feux de navigation.
D'une part c'est une blague de dire que les militaires doivent se soumettre aux règles de la FAA, et d'autre part les flares militaires éclairants sont bien plus lumineux que les feux de navigation... On ne voit pas non plus les feux de navigation de l'avion qui largue les flares sur les fameuses vidéos de Phoenix en 1997.
Robert Alessandri, agitateur en ufologie
- ArthurCCulture Scientifique
Age : 64
Nombre de messages : 163
Inscription : 16/11/2017
Localisation : Marseille
Emploi : Informaticien
Passions : intelligence artificielle, conquête spatiale
Règlement : Règlement
Points de Participation : 2787
Re: 1991: le 25/10 - 3min12 - points lumineux en formation - Mesa, Arizona (Usa)
Ven 20 Déc 2019, 23:47
Bah non en regardant mieux ça n'a pas l'air d'être des flares, c'est l'objet principal qui reste fixe et les autres lumières descendent... Alors, une lanterne thaï d'où tombent certaines parties enflammées? Je ne sais pas vraiment comment ça peut se faire mais en tout cas ça ne me semble pas très enthousiasmant...
Robert Alessandri, agitateur en ufologie
- InvitéInvité
Re: 1991: le 25/10 - 3min12 - points lumineux en formation - Mesa, Arizona (Usa)
Ven 20 Déc 2019, 23:59
Oui, eh bien j'en suis au même point (lanterne en fin de vie). Mais il y a un problème... la durée de la séquence. Les mauvaises langues diront qu'elle a été "arrangée".
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